Wander- Thirst

Wander- Thirst
Write with Reference to context:
1. ‘It works in me like madness, to bid me say goodbye’
a. Who does ‘me’ refer to?
Ans. The word ‘me’ refers to the poet.

b. What is he bidding goodbye to?
Ans) He is saying goodbye to family and friends.

c. Whose call is the poet responding to?
Ans) The poet is responding to the call of the seas, the stars and the sky.

2.a. Why do you think the poet has the urge to travel?
Ans) The poet has the urge to travel because he wants to see new places and have new experiences. He feels as if the sun, the sky etc. (nature) is urging him to explore.

b. Why does this wanderer mention two directions, East and West?
Ans) The wanderer mentions ‘The East’ as it stands for the rising sun and a new day. He mentions ‘the West’ and the sea as it stands for the unknown and unexplored places.

c. What does the poet mean by the line, ‘The old ships draw to home again, the young ships sail away’?
c) The old ships are experienced people who are coming home after a long journey and trade for retirement and rest. The young ships are young people who are beginning their journey in life and career. They are ready for new adventures and experiences.

d. The poem is about people who are always looking for new place to explore and new faces to meet. Do you like such people? Why?
d) (personal response -Hint-can meet people, make new friends, explore unknown places, have fun or dangerous/unsafe to be in unknown place with unknown person.)
e. The title ‘Wander Thirst’ is very appropriate. Give reasons.
Ans) The poet has an inner urge to travel and go to new places, i.e. ‘wander’. He likes to explore the unknown places and looks forward to gaining new experiences. He feels that the sun, the sky and nature in general is calling out to him for the same. Hence, the title ‘Wander Thirst’ is very appropriate for the poem.
New Words:-
1.Urge: try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something.
2.Wanderer: a person who travels aimlessly; a traveller.
3.Unexplored: not evaluated or discussed in detail.
4.Call : (here in the poem) the voice of nature
5.Guide : a person who leads the path and offers support


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